
Join the waitlist for Workable's free AI hiring assistant

Workable has helped companies hire 1.5 million people. We've used this experience to build some incredible models to find & evaluate talent. Soon, some of our AI features will come to hiring managers and recruiters – for free. Be the first to try it.

Just type in what you're looking for and we'll help you with the below, plus more:


Job description

Your job description is built instantly. Pick the one you like the best or iterate with AI until it's perfect. We'll use the description to prepare other tools for the role.


Interview questions 

We'll create an interview kit with the best questions to ask based on the job you're looking to fill - ready for you whenever you start interviewing.


The best candidates

How does a list of the best people for the job sound? Workable's Al Recruiter knows what you're looking for and finds them, instantly.

The above video is a glimpse into what we're building. Exact features and design are subject to change.

Submit your info to join the waitlist